New Heuchera ‘Fleur’ Now Available

Heuchera ‘Fleur’ is a new plant bred by us that we’ve shown for the first time at Southport Flower Show this past weekend.

Fleur is a small variety making it very pretty and dainty. The pale pink-white flowers stick around for months while the foliage changing colour with the seasons. In the spring time it has more orange tones with deeper marbling.

You can now buy Fleur in our shop here.

Southport Flower Show 2017

We are nearing the end of show season now with just three more to go after Southport! We do tend to grow our show plants nice and big, but this means they are heavier to carry around and plant into our show garden!

Heuchera ‘Fleur’ is a new plant bred by us that we showed at the Southport show for the first time. Now available online.

Some behind the scenes photos of the nurseries around us getting their stands ready.

While Richard held down the stand at the show, I headed back as there was a lot of potting and weeding that needed to get done so we can make sure our sales plants are in top shape.

Our next show is Wisley the 5th of September, as always if you are going please do pop by and say hi to us on our stand.

Are you open at weekends as well as open weekends?

This question was asked by

I was just wondering if you are open at weekends or just on your open days?

Hi Nikki
We are open by appointment all year round (mornings are always best )
Of course we have the open weekend’s where you can just drop in
Just email when you want to come (in advance ) and then we can arrange a date
Thanks for asking
Kind regards

Vicky and Richard Fox

How many heucherella trailing falls would you recommend to plant in 18 inch basket

This question was asked by
Colm steele

How many heucherella trailing falls would you recommend to plant in 18 inch basket, thanks

Hi Colm
You would be best to use 3 heucherella trailing plants to make a nice full basket
Hope that helps

Heucherella ‘Redstone Falls’ (811)
Vicky and Richard Fox

Posted in FAQ

When should I plant my Heuchera?

This question was asked by
Ruth Powell

Can I plant heuchera in late summer or should I wait until spring. I live near Manchester and the garden faces south west.

Hi Ruth
Yes you can plant nearly all year round
Heuchera aren’t fussy
Just remember to water them occasionally if it goes very hot
Hope this helps
Thank you for your question
Kind regards

Vicky and Richard Fox