Bright green heucheras?

This question was asked by
Mrs Cooper

Please can you tell me when you will be getting any bright colour GREEN heuchers in stock.
thank you

Hi Mrs Cooper
We have some in at the moment
Sweet Caroline is a bright green (lemon lime green ) so is sweet tart
The others will be next spring now approx mid to late April & May
All limes are not quite as zingy in the winter, but come the spring they liven up again
Hope this helps
Kind regards

Heuchera ‘Sweet Caroline’ TM (FoxSeries) (SKU18306)
Vicky and Richard Fox

Posted in FAQ

Heuchera Bilberry?

This question was asked by
Alison W

I am sure this was one of the six I purchased from you at the Harrogate autumn show. Unfortunately I have lost the label and cannot find it on your website. Could you please forward me the details of size, flowering time and flower colour.
Many thanks

Hi Alison
I have just added it to the website (ready for next year 2018 as we are planning on selling it again )
Hope this helps
kind regards

Heuchera ‘Bilberry’ (SKU18318)
Vicky and Richard Fox

Posted in FAQ

Heucherella ‘Redstone Falls’

This question was asked by
Jane D

How many of this Redstone Falls do you have in the basket that is featured on the web site?
Many thanks

Hi Jane
There are 3 plants in the image we are using
If you use 3 plants they make a much fuller baskets.. quicker too
Hope this helps
Kind regards Vicky
Heucherella ‘Redstone Falls’ (811)

Vicky and Richard Fox

Can you take an order for plants not available?

This question was asked by
Marguerite C

Hello Vicki and Richard,
was wondering if you would be prepared to take an order for your Heuchera “Lime
Blondie” and send it to me when the plants become available. I need 15 plants, as it is just the thing to edge my
new border. If this is possible?
Thanks in advance for your reply,
Marguerite Clark.

PS. I find your web shop really super, and wonder how on earth you manage it all.

Hi Margarit
Thank you for your email
I am sorry we no longer take orders for plants that are not ready
It’s a case of a few people spoiling it for the many
We used to do it. If anything went wrong people got so cross with us… we decided not to do it any more.
It was at that point we started the ‘tell me when ready’ button ….all you do is pop you email on the list and when i make the plants available to buy you will be sent an email
Just remember everyone else gets sent an email who wanted them too
So dont wait too long or else they all get snapped up again

Pleased your enjoying the website
Hope this helps

Kind regards

Heuchera ‘Blondie in Lime’ (SKU18243)
Vicky and Richard Fox

Do you ship plants to USA?

This question was asked by
Celia L

I live in the US, and have been searching for this plant for awhile now, but can’t seem to find a US source. I see it on your website, but I’m not sure if you ship to the United States. My order would be very small, so I don’t know if you would even consider it. Thanks for your response!
Celia Leibacher
Nashville TN
P.S. For very a special reason, I really want this plant!

Hi Celia
I am sorry we don’t send to the USA
There is too much red tape and expense to make it worth while
I am sure someone in USA will sell it
You could try one of these nurseries below
They might not sell it but they might know someone who does
(Terra nova nurseriea should know but I don’t think they sell to the public )
Hope this helps
Kind regards

NB Links in no particular order


Heucherella ‘Kimono’ (761)
Vicky and Richard Fox

Posted in FAQ