Heucherella in strawberry planters?

This question was asked by

Do you have any suggestions for growing Heucherella in strawberry planters. What varieties do you have for this purpose, how are they sold and also tips for growing on.

Hi Anne
Heucherella would be lovely in strawberry planters
Our are grown and shipped in 1 litre pots.(please reuse or recycle the pots)
They don’t like to be too wet so good drainage is essential.
Not much maintenance really just a tidy up in spring and when ever its needed throughout the year.
Feed now and again with a low nitrate feed such as Lou’s alpaca poo or seaweed we will have all for sale on website soon.
Or a once a year slow release feed also available on website..
We have redstone fall and autumn cascade ready for shipping at the end of February beginning of march, weather permitting as we don’t ship until its the beat tome to plant.
We will have other varieties throughout the season.
We are in the middle of a website update ( all still working and able to order from)
Hopefully we will have a few things added to make it easier to shop and see what available etc. (It won’t look much different but it should be a faster shopping experience.
Hope this helps
Kind regards vicky

Heucherella ‘Redstone Falls’ (811)

Heucherella ‘Autumn Cascade’ (SKU18256)

Vicky and Richard Fox


This question was asked by
Janet Sidney

Hello, Can you tell me the best heuchera to grow in containers please, I’m thinking a pinky/bronze colour.

Janet Sidney.

Hi Janet
Any Heuchera in a container will do well as long as its well drained
I attached a picture of Heuchera Walnut which is a big variety with bronze leaves and pink undersides. It depends on the size of your container too !
Smaller varieties with pink foliage would be like Heuchera Pauline, larger pink variety would be Pinot Gris, Coral berry, etc.
A great variety that usually does very well is Heuchera Marmalade (not bronze though) looks great in containers or you could mix them, having lots of different colours
Its difficult to choose one variety
Hope this helps
Kind regards

Heuchera ‘Walnut’ TM (FoxSeries) (1221)

Heuchera ‘Pauline’ TM (Fox Series) (SKU18208)

Vicky and Richard Fox

open days 2020

This question was asked by
Lizzie P

Hi there,

I was wondering if you had the dates yet for your 2020 open days?
If not, do you know roughly when you might have them? My sister is a huge heuchera fan and she turns 40 in April. I wanted to surprise her with a visit to one of your open days but she isn’t local, so just looking at the calendar before she books herself up with other things.
Best wishes,

Hi Lizzie
What a lovely idea thank you for thinking of us!

The dates for the open open days are
April 3rd 4th and 5th
June 27th and 28th
Oct 2nd 3rd and 4th
10am to 4pm each day
Cake and all as usual

Extra morning added this year

Casual nursery mornings no cake only biscuits and tea/coffee
Nursery just open to pop into we will be working on the nursery
Just for buying plants really

Dates are
9.30am to 12.30 m each morning
May 22nd 23rd 24th & 25th
May 29th 30th 31st

Hope this helps we would love to see you both
Kind regards

Heucherella ‘Cracked Ice’ (1223)

Vicky and Richard Fox