Heuchera ‘Wild Berry’ in long term hanging baskets?

This question was asked by

Hi – I’m hoping to create a long-term perennial hanging basket that I won’t need to replace each season. Would Heuchera wild berry perform ok in a basket for the longer term, or would it struggle? If the latter, are there any other varieties you could recommend?


Hi Victoria
Yes wild berry should do well ..in fact most of them will be good in baskets long term.
Just a quick tidy up in spring and when ever they need it.
Also in spring scrape some of the old compost off and top dress and at the same time add some slow release fertiliser.
Now and again feed with something like the heuxhera feed loos poo alpaca feed (for sale on the website)
Hope this helps
Kind regards Vicky

Heucherella ‘Solar Power’ (763)

Vicky and Richard Fox

How many plants for a small hanging basket

This question was asked by
Janet W

How many reds gone falls heucheras would I need for a small hanging basket

Hi Janet
You don’t say what size!
Assuming its around 8 to 10 inches 1 to 2 plants
12 to 15 inches 3 plants
Hope that helps
Kind regards Vicky

Heucherella ‘Yellowstone Falls’ (812)

Vicky and Richard Fox

Advice on Heucheras for Halloween

This question was asked by
Carly T

Hi guys,

Very sorry to bother you but I’m currently trying to form a halloween heuchera display (random I know) and I’m struggling to find a heuchera that will be bright orange in October. Please can you advise me which one I should go for? I have an orangeberry but it’s quite green and I’m not sure when it will change. There’s very little information about as to what colours there are when so any information you can give me id be really grateful.

Many Thanks


Hi Carly
The orange varieties go brighter in more light, too shady and they go darker and greener.
Bare in mind its autumn and light levels are dropping so the lighter position the better
Other varieties to try could be
Heuchera Caramel, Tangerine wave, or pink pearls
Hope that helps
Kind regards Vicky

Vicky and Richard Fox