When to plant Heuchera?

This question was asked by
Susan H

Thank you for your latest email.

We are really enjoying the plants you supplied us with earlier in the year, I could become an addict!!

When you have time would you kindly advise me what is the best time of year to plant Heuchera?

Kind regards, Susan.

Hi Susan so pleased to hear your enjoying the news letter we try to help you with tips, hints and money saving offers
Sorry for late reply its been mad here (always a good thing!)
You can plant anytime of the year as long as ground isn’t frozen or water logged.
We don’t ship from mid December through to February/March as the ground is so cold it takes longer to get going
If in containers anytime as long as the drainage is good
Hope this helps
Kind regards Vicky

Heuchera ‘Sugar Plum’ (735)

Vicky and Richard Fox

Over wintering container-grown heucheras

This question was asked by
Alan W

We have some containers with heucheras and we are not sure whether to take them into a heated greenhouse over the winter. We also want to expand them ready for spring. What is good to buy now and how should we care for them. Sorry to be a nuisance but we don’t want to kill them off. (PS – We live in the Midlands. Somebody has to..!)

Hi Alan
Sorry for late reply (its been mad here!)
You can leave them outside or if you want you can bring them into a well ventilated cold green house or cold frame for winter.
Its the wet that will kill them not the cold! They mustn’t stand with their feet in water
If in pots outside you can put little feet under them to ensure the water runs out over winter
Any plants for sale on our website can be planted straight out now they are fully hardy ..all grown cold and most outside atm
Hope that helps
Kind regards Vicky

Heuchera ‘Gojiberry’ Indian Summer Series (SKU18327)

Vicky and Richard Fox

Are slugs and snails attracted to Heuchera ?

This question was asked by
Mark Q

Are slugs and snails attracted to Heuchera ?

Hi Mark
No slugs and snail don’t eat them!
They can live under them but don’t like them
Hope that helps
Kind regards Vicky

Heuchera ‘Lime Marmalade’ (680)

Vicky and Richard Fox

Difference between Heuchera Heucherella and Tiarella?

This question was asked by
Jackie D

Please will you explain the difference between heuchera, heucherella, and tiarella.

Your heuchera plants look amazing and my collection will definitely be growing.

Thanks, Jackie

Hi Jackie

Its a cross between a Heuchera & Tiarella.
Tiarella have heart & lobed shaped foliage of green with darker maroon or black bars the center.
They have starry flowers at the top of the stem like little pagodas ..their common name is foam flower

Heuchera have masses of coloured foliage with a more rounded or maple shaped leaf, and bell shaped flowers.

When you cross the two together you get Heucherella with all the Heuchera colours & fab shaped leaves and markings of the Tiarella
Starry flowers too! Fabulous!

Hope this helps
Enjoy your Heuchera, Heucherella and Tiarella
Kind regards Vicky

Plantagogo Tiarella Collection for Shade or Part Shade (SKU18453)

Vicky and Richard Fox

Plantagogo Tiarella Collection for Shade or Part Shade

This question was asked by
Jania Napier-Burrows

Would these be grow in a shady spot in chalky soil?

Hi Jania
Yes these would be great there as long as they get some moisture
Well drained is better than water logged for Tiarella and Heuchera
Hope this helps
Kind regards Vicky

Plantagogo Tiarella Collection for Shade or Part Shade (SKU18453)

Vicky and Richard Fox