Booking in for September Open Event

This question was asked by
Helen F

My son and I would like to come to the Open Event in September. How do we book please?

Hi Helen
You don’t need to book just come on the open day of your choice.
We are open 10am we close at 4pm
Hope you can make it.
Looking forward to seeing you both
Kind regards

Vicky and Richard Fox

Heuchera ‘Blackberry Jam’ what will contrast with this in full sun

This question was asked by
Sarah N

Hello. I have a very large stone trough, next to a wall that is a foot heigher than it, and faces north. So shade all morning then strong sun later in the afternoon. I’d like to plan a scheme round H. Blackberry Jam (because my mum of 82 makes amazing blackberry jam!). Which other Heuchera’s compliment/contrast well with it? The trough is opposite 3 other large stone troughs of heuchera’s which ribbon with H. Emerald Cushion, Beauty Cushion, Amber Waves, Autumn Leaves, Berry Smoothie. Plus I have Paris elsewhere!
I am also in a frost pocket does this matter ?
Thank you.

Hi Sarah
Blackberry jam will do well there and contrast well with these variety and other reds, oranges, green, etc.
A nice silver variety Violet shimmer is attached or you could go with cherry cola, forever red, or tangerine wave to name a few
The fact that your in a frost pocket won’t matter, they are all very hardy
Hope this helps
Kind regards
Heuchera ‘Violet Shimmer’ TM (Fox Series) (SKU18354)

Heuchera ‘Violet Shimmer’ TM (Fox Series) (SKU18354)

Vicky and Richard Fox

Where is your nursery?

This question was asked by
Mary M

You have the most beautiful selection of heuchera that I have seen. I am trying to get a good selection for my garden and wondered where you were situated otherwise I will order on line.
Thank you

Hi Mary
Thank you
We own the National Collection of heuchera, heucherella and tiarella so we often have rare and unusual too
We are near Crewe in Cheshire
We are open by appointment or on the open days as shown on the website
If you wish to more please let me know
Happy gardening
Kind regards vicky

Heuchera ‘Red Lightening’ (SKU18251)

Vicky and Richard Fox

Woody stems in heuchera

This question was asked by
William F

Before buying more heuchera need to know what to do with woody root spurs I’ve only just noticed, and wiry root system at end – dangling and looking parched, if not dead. Any simple advice please.
Will Fyans

Hi William
Heucheras can go woody (which is what you have described)
Easy to sort out …
Just plant deeper ..don’t bury the crown, only the woody stem.
Give it a feed this stimulates new growth
Hope this helps
Kind regards

Heuchera ‘Forever Red’ PBR (SKU18319)

Vicky and Richard Fox

Moving Heucheras

This question was asked by
Gillian W

I need to move 2 Heucheras when is the best time to do this. Thank you

Hi Gillian
Spring is always best, but you can move them anytime as long as you dig out a good root ball and water well after moving. Just keeping an eye on them until they establish themselves again.
Hope this helps
Kind regards

Vicky and Richard Fox