Collecting an order at a show

This question was asked by
Emily G

Are you going to be at Cardiff RHS show in April? If so would I be able to collect my order from you then?

Hi Emily
Yes we will be at Cardiff where you can collect your order.
See you at Cardiff
Kind regards vicky

Vicky and Richard Fox

Posted in FAQ

Shipping to Ireland northern & southern during possible Brexit!

This question was asked by
Emilia M


I am interested in ordering about 20 different species of plants from your website, are you posting plants to Ireland and how much is the postage for this amount of plants in a most secure way?

Kind regards,


Hi Emilia
We are shipping to Northern Ireland but not Sourthern Ireland at the moment, due to the possible problems with plants in transit due to possible Brexit!
Hopefully this will be resolved and we can resume normal service!
You don’t say where you are Northern Ireland or Sourthern Ireland
If its Northern Ireland it will be £16.50 you select it at the checkout
If Sourthern Ireland it won’t work sorry until we have a result on Brexit!
You can order as many as you want for that price
We use DHL courier they are very good

Hope this helps
Kind regards vicky

Vicky and Richard Fox

Posted in FAQ

Shipping to EU countries 23rd March 2019

This question was asked by
C. Jean Paul

¨Please let me know if you can send plants to the East of France,without damages..
Thank You.
Jean Paul

Hi Jean Paul
Thank you for your interest
We have sent to EU countries for many years we don’t usually have any trouble, but of course theres always a first time!
Sadly at this moment we are not shipping to EU due to the uncertainty of Brexit!
We are worried plants could get caught up and delayed.
Ince this sorted if its business as usually we would be happy to ship and will re reinstate EU countries again
Sorry about the present situation but it’s out of our hands at the moment
Kind regards

Vicky and Richard Fox

Posted in FAQ

My heuchera has changed colour!

This question was asked by
Rachel S

My heuchra glitter is purple and green have I done something wrong and is there anything I can do to make the leaves silver please?

Hi Rachel
No you’ve done nothing wrong
That what it does in Spring
It will turn silver again
In summer, don’t worry
Kind regards vicky

Vicky and Richard Fox

Posted in FAQ

How high does the Heucherella ‘Brass Lantern’ grow

This question was asked by
Gary Milne

How high does the Heucherella ‘Brass Lantern’ grow

normally about 30 cm tall and 45cm wide

Heucherella ‘Brass Lantern’ (759)

Vicky and Richard Fox