This question was asked by
– Emilia M
I am interested in ordering about 20 different species of plants from your website, are you posting plants to Ireland and how much is the postage for this amount of plants in a most secure way?
Kind regards,
Hi Emilia
We are shipping to Northern Ireland but not Sourthern Ireland at the moment, due to the possible problems with plants in transit due to possible Brexit!
Hopefully this will be resolved and we can resume normal service!
You don’t say where you are Northern Ireland or Sourthern Ireland
If its Northern Ireland it will be £16.50 you select it at the checkout
If Sourthern Ireland it won’t work sorry until we have a result on Brexit!
You can order as many as you want for that price
We use DHL courier they are very good
Hope this helps
Kind regards vicky
Vicky and Richard Fox