just expected time plants will be available

This question was asked by
Neil M

I know the answer may be how long is a piece of string but it is the first time I have visited your site and I noticed there were quite a lot of plant varieties unavailable – so I can plan my garden and if I ordered the plants today (which are unavailable) is there an expected date for them to be available ie 2-3 weeks or 2-3 months?

Hi Neil
We can’t have all of the plants ready at the same time, for all sorts of reasons.
We don’t hide what’s out of stock throughout year so you know it’s going to be available (hopefully they grow as expected ) then it will be. We usually try and predict a time of year it will hopefully be available which is on the plant information.
We don’t let you order what’s not available as it’s a nightmare when something doesn’t grow as you’d like it too.
We have done it many times and it just cause lots of problems for you and us.
We have add a ‘tell me when its ready’ button where you just add you email and when it available I send emails out to all who are interested.
Then it’s up to you to order them asap as they usually go fast.
I am sorry but this can’t change at the moment we are only a two man band and it’s just too much work to manage sadly.
If you want to send an email with what your wanting I can tell you alternatives or a time scale then you can add yourself to the ‘tell me when ready’ button
Hope this helps
Kind regards

Vicky and Richard Fox

Posted in FAQ