Do slugs and snails like Brunnera

This question was asked by
Val B

Is this plant resistant to slugs and

Hi Valerie
Slugs and snails will have a nibble on any brunnera if they fancy

You could try making a garlic spray or buy the garlic spray from garden centres

Recipe for garlic spray
Finely chop two or three large cloves of garlic after removing the protective, papery skin around the bulbs.
Mix the garlic with one tablespoon of vegetable oil, one teaspoon of liquid soap and 1 litre of water, stirring well.
Spray hostas, brunneras or anything slugs/snails enjoy

Hope this helps

Kind regards

Brunnera macrophylla ‘ Golden Jack Frost’ PBR (SKU18341)

Vicky and Richard Fox

Take plant to Harrogate flower show

This question was asked by
Jill R

I was chatting with you on Sunday at Tatton looking for a Midnight Rose Heuchera but sadly you’d sold out at the show but you did say that you had one at home and if I sent you my details you’d take it to Harrogate for the September show, I’m going on Friday 13th So I’ll be in about 12noon to collect it.
Many thanks

Hi Jill
Thank you for your enquiry
Yes you can buy now and collect from Harrogate show
However if you follow the link attached
That should take you to a link, where you can order and pay for it, just press the drop down bar at checkout the ‘collect from nursery/shows’ choose Harrogate flower show.
You can do this on all product online
Hope this helps
Any problems please let me know
Kind regards
Heuchera ‘Midnight Rose’ (18)

Vicky and Richard Fox


This question was asked by
Mary M

Postage costs ?

? Cost of postage for two plants

Hi Mary
Postage for 1 to 5 plants £9.95
6 or more £8.95
Hope this helps
Kind regards vicky

Heuchera ‘Pauline’ TM (Fox series), Heuchera ‘Thomas’ TM (Fox series), Heuchera ‘Sugar Berry’ (SKU18291)

Vicky and Richard Fox

Coral Bouquet

This question was asked by
Liz Dolan

Hi I spoke to you at Chelsea yesterday and asked about Heuchera Coral Bouquet. You advised me to put myself on the waiting list but can’t find the plant on your list. I am hoping this message will suffice. Many thanks and congratulations on another Gold medal!

Hi liz
Sadly I can’t add you to the list this way
Please will you look at the link below and you should see the’ tell me when ready” tab just click that, then you should be able to add your email.
If you can’t see the tab just click the arrows or the picture to take you onto the next page. Where there is loads more information.
Sorry some peoples divices see it slightly differently
Kind regards vicky

Heuchera cylindrica x brizoides ‘Coral Bouquet’ (907)

Heuchera cylindrica x brizoides ‘Coral Bouquet’ (907)

Vicky and Richard Fox


This question was asked by
Gary O

If I purchase three items will I be charged just one lot of postage?

Hi Gary
Yes it’s one payment £9.95 for 1 to 5 plants £8.95 for 6 plants or more
Hope this helps
Kind regards

Heuchera ‘Burgundy Bill’ TM (Fox Series) (SKU18393)

Heuchera ‘Burgundy Bill’ TM (Fox Series) (SKU18393)

Vicky and Richard Fox