Can I buy the greetings cards on their own?

This question was asked by
Paula S

Can we buy the cards on their own?

Hi Paula
Yes you can
Hope that helps
Have a lovely Christmas
Kind regards

Happy Days Card (CARD4)

Vicky and Richard Fox

Posted in FAQ

Heuchera Thomas

This question was asked by
Mrs lorna S

Before it slips my mind again, is it possible to reserve Heuchera Thomas? I planted Veronica Longifolia Charlotte in our daughter’s garden but now our grandson wants a plant with his name like his sister. We go away soon. Happy to pay now. Do you have this in stock and what do you suggest?

Hi Lorna
Yes it’s in stock now.
If you order now
Plants will not be shipped until February
So that should sort out you problem nicely
Let me know if that’s not suitable
Kind regards

Heuchera ‘Thomas’ TM (Fox series) (1220)

Vicky and Richard Fox

Posted in FAQ


This question was asked by
Tony H

I’m told to get best effect with Heuchera the flowers should be removed is this correct?

Hi Tony
No it’s not!
You do not need to remove the flowers only the dead flowers, you don’t want them to seed. If they seed then they are using energy for seed instead of foliage.
Only time you need to remove flowers is if you don’t like them!
The bees love them and if you like flowers keep in them on.
Hope this helps
Kind regards Vicky

Vicky and Richard Fox

Posted in FAQ

Join the list for when heuchera Black pearl is ready?

This question was asked by
Dedrah m

Please can you let me know when they are back in stock please, I saw them at the Harrogate show but you had sold out then.
Can i hoin a waoting list ?
Thanks regards
Dedrah M

Hi Dedrah
We have sold out now until next spring.
You can add yourself to the ‘tell me when ready ‘ list by clicking the tab and putting in your email address on the heucnera black pearl page.
When I ready I will notify you and everyone else on the list, its available to buy now.
So when that happens don’t wait too long as they will probably sell very quickly as I have lots of people on the list already.
Hooe that helps
Kind regards Vicky
Heuchera ‘Black Pearl’ PBR (SKU18326)

Vicky and Richard Fox

Posted in FAQ

When will all varieties be ready at once ?

This question was asked by
Derek S

Please can you advise when all you plants are available.Heuceras that is.
Also, can you advise which are most suited to patio planting in a hot area.
Thank you
Derek S

Hi Derek
There is never a time when I have all the plants sell ready in one go sadly!
As we grow all we sell and don’t buy plants in, its very difficult to have them all ready at once!
There are too many different varieties for us to do that.
I understand customers like to just order one time to save on postage but we just cannot do it that way sorry.
There’s only Richard and I and we can’t do everything I’m afraid!
The postage is one payment for as many plants as you want, there is never anything added to the cost of the plant (as many websites do ) some seem to have very cheap postage but their plants are often a bit more expensive or smaller pots (sometimes even tiny tiny plugs )
Some of the varieties that have been added added recently will be selling out again soon, so it’s better to order when you see them.
We do have varieties that are quite similar sometimes so you could always ask about similar varieties
That is something we are going to add to the website over winter…suggested alternatives.
Varieties that like like full sun are are usually darker leaves from these colours
Purple, black, orange, red and silver’some greens but NO lime greens or Golds
Hope this helps
Kind regards Vicky

Tangerine wave loves the sun and goes a bright orange when grown in sun.

Heuchera ‘Tangerine Wave’ TM (Fox Series) (937)

Vicky and Richard Fox

Posted in FAQ