Nursery Open days this weekend September 20th-22nd

Join us for our last open days of the season this weekend! Friday, Saturday and Sunday we will open up our doors to you from 10am-4pm. There will be lots of plants to take home and of course as usual, yummy cakes!

Shop around, get some gardening ideas, enjoy refreshments and chats with us and fellow gardeners.

Can’t make it? You can still order the plants you want on our website! We will also be at our last show of the season Malvern Autumn show the 28th and 29th September.

Rarely offered Heucherella ‘Fan Dancer’ now available

The rarely offered Heucherella ‘Fan Dancer’ is now available! There are limited plants available, so if this has been on your list (or it just takes your fancy) then snap it up quickly.

Fabulous large maple shaped foliage with red markings and silver veil very attractive. Great for flower arranging. Large arching stems of pure white tiny star shaped flowers.

Shop on our website here.

How to get rid of Vine Weevil Grubs

Nemasys is a biological vine weevil grub killer. Apply in the evening or dull conditions such as rainfall as soil must be moist before and for at least 2 weeks after application. This size pack pictured does quite a sizeable area, however there are packs for smaller areas as well depending on how much you need.

One application provides control for up to 6 weeks, if you need continues protection, re-apply at this time. It’s super easy to apply and will keep your plants nice and healthy.

Keep unopened packets in the fridge to keep them fresh. They don’t wake up until added to water! We don’t sell these but they are widely available at garden centres and on Amazon if you have a look.

Heuchera ‘Red Lightening’

Heuchera ‘Red Lightening’ has electrifying dark red veins, over huge gold leaves. As you can see this gets a bit larger than you’re average Heuchera!

It is best in shade/partial shade as it has lighter leaves that may burn in full sun. It sprouts up pretty white flowers in the summer. It’s very hardy and requires little maintenance so it’s perfect for the no-fuss gardener who wants to add some colour to their garden.

You can shop Red Lightening HERE on our website.

Photos from Southport Flower Show 2019

Southport Flower Show was full of lots of entertainment along with gorgeous flowers and plants. We were happy to take home a Gold medal to add to our collection.

Only two shows left for the season and our open days at the nursery, time flies when you’re having fun!