Woody stems in heuchera

This question was asked by
William F

Before buying more heuchera need to know what to do with woody root spurs I’ve only just noticed, and wiry root system at end – dangling and looking parched, if not dead. Any simple advice please.
Will Fyans

Hi William
Heucheras can go woody (which is what you have described)
Easy to sort out …
Just plant deeper ..don’t bury the crown, only the woody stem.
Give it a feed this stimulates new growth
Hope this helps
Kind regards

Heuchera ‘Forever Red’ PBR (SKU18319)

Vicky and Richard Fox

Moving Heucheras

This question was asked by
Gillian W

I need to move 2 Heucheras when is the best time to do this. Thank you

Hi Gillian
Spring is always best, but you can move them anytime as long as you dig out a good root ball and water well after moving. Just keeping an eye on them until they establish themselves again.
Hope this helps
Kind regards

Vicky and Richard Fox

European deliveries ?

This question was asked by
Richard A

When are you going to add European addresses to the address book?

Hi richard
We have decided not to do that but if you want to order you can, by sending your list of plants and I will work out the costs and shipping.
Then you can pay by PayPal or bacs
So we are still shipping to EU
Hope this helps
Kim regards vicky

Vicky and Richard Fox


This question was asked by
Britt A

Do you send plants to Sweden?
Best regards
Britt Axelsson

Hi Britt

We will send them to EU countries
But you won’t be able to do it online

So send me what plants you want and I will let you know how much the full costs will be for shipping and the plants

Then you have to pay by paypal or bacs

Hope that helps

Kind regards vicky

Vicky and Richard Fox