Open days 2022

This question was asked by
Karen J


Are you planning any open days this year?

Many thanks

Karen J

Hi Karen
Yes we are but they will be bookable like last year, so we can manage numbers.
I will be adding them to be able to book next week hopefully!
It will be a small deposit, refundable on the day against purchases.
To help to stop people booking and not turning up (can be cancelled and deposit refunded before event if your not able to come )
Hope thats ok
Kind Regards Vicky

Vicky and Richard Fox

Tiarella Raspberry Sundae ?shade?

This question was asked by
Judith M

Can you tell me just how much shade this plant can tolerate please? I have a few shady corners.

Hi Judith
All Tiarella love full shade or part shade
So you shouldn’t have a problem
Hope this helps
Kind regards
Tiarella ‘Raspberry’ Sundae’ TM (Fox Series) (SKU18307)

Vicky and Richard Fox

Aruncus aethusifolius

This question was asked by

How high does it grow?

Hi Terry

Height 30cm width 45cm

To help in the future on other plants

The H and W are on every product under description you might need to tap it to open the drop down bar if it’s not already open

Hope this helps

Kind Regards


Aruncus aethusifolius (SKU18218)

Aruncus aethusifolius (SKU18218)

Vicky and Richard Fox

Heuchera care

This question was asked by
Elaine W

Please could you tell me how I can keep my Heucheras in tip top condition and what soil I should plant them in and the type of feed I should give them please. I just love them!
Thank you

Elaine Williams

Hi Elaine
Pleased you love them.
So ….
Any reasonable well drained soil
Don’t over feed ..we sell loos poo Heuchera feed and slow release which are perfect.
Pale leaves need more shade
Dont like being water logged
Dont cut back in the autumn wait for spring to tidy them up
Use nematodes in August and September to help to keep the vine weevils away
Hope that helps
Kind Regards Vicky

Lou’s Poo Heuchera, Heucherella & Tiarella Feed (SKU18421)

Vicky and Richard Fox

Visiting the nursery for perennials for shade

This question was asked by
Jen S

Hi there, got your details at Tatton RHS and loved your display.
I am looking for hardy plants for shade.
I live locally
Can you help?
Very kind regards

Hi Jenny
We sell loads of perennials for shade etc
The nursery is open by appointment bookable online
We also have a few bookable events coming up
Homemade cake/ coffee and plants days 1st 2nd and 3rd of October which you can book online too still a few places left (its a £5.00 deposit for those redeemable again a purchase (coffee and cake or plants )
Hope you can come to one or the other
Ive attached a link to one of the dates so you can see what I mean about the cake, coffee and plants events

Kind Regards Vicky

Nursery open day Saturday 2nd October 2021 OPEN 10am CLOSE 12 Noon (OPENDAY202108011)

Vicky and Richard Fox