Plants for small urban border without shade

This question was asked by
Sue J

Looking for a few hardy but colourful heuchera to help fill a small border by my sons front driveway which houses 2 cars on a suburban Cheltenham street

Hi Sue
Thanks for your email
Most black, orange , red, purple or silver will do well..there are odd exceptions to the rule so always check the plant details before ordering
Some of my favourites are
Dark secret
Sugar plum
Violet Shimmer
Wild berry
Forever purple
Below is a link to Heuchera Gojiberry and prince on the website
Hope this helps
Kind regards

Heuchera ‘Gojiberry’ Indian Summer Series (SKU18327)

Heuchera ‘Prince’ (464)

Vicky and Richard Fox

Vine Weevils and How to Check for Them

This question was asked by
Laura M

Hi, I purchased a dark coloured Heuchera from you at the Hampton Court festival back in July and
I have noticed something is starting the eat the leaves. I have googled and the marks look similar to vine weevils. Is this likely to be the case and do you have any advice on prevention?

Hi Laura
Sorry to hear that
If you are worried carefull dig it up take look at the roots leave it on the surface of the soil for a day, near the bird table if are any grubs the birds should pick through (grubs do the most damage)
Afterwards wash the root pour boiling water in the hole then replant, when soil is cold again.
If in pot wash the pot and the roots and replant into fresh multi purpose compost.
In future it’s easier to nematode in late august beginning of September.
Hope this helps
Kind regards vicky

Heuchera ‘Dark Secret’ (639)

Vicky and Richard Fox

Heuchera suggestions for hanging baskets

This question was asked by
Janet C

I would like to have a selection of trailing Heuchera for hanging baskets. Please can you suggest some for me. I am too far away to come to your nursery but do enjoy your stands at the Flower shows.

Thank you,
Janet Collins

Hi Janet
Good to hear you enjoy the shows
We only have a few trailing varieties left this year
They are heucherella Yellowstone falls see attached
Heucherella redstone falls
Heucherella autumn cascade
And tiarella happy trails
You can always add upright ones in baskets with the odd trailing variety.
I actually think mixing the two looks better.
When I’m doing my hanging baskets I never put all hanging plants as the top.can look very flat!
Upright varieties i have used in the past to mention a few are
Dark secret,
Lime Marmalade
Violet shimmer
Heucherella Solar power
Heuchera Wildberry (new variety not used myself but going to this time )

Hope this helps
Kind regards vicky
Heucherella ‘Yellowstone Falls’ (812)

Heucherella ‘Redstone Falls’ (811)

Vicky and Richard Fox

Ordering online and collecting from open days

This question was asked by
Yvonne R

If I place an order today can I collect from you next weekend at your open mornings?

Hi Yvonne
Yes of course you can
No problem
Look forward to seeing you
Kind regards

Heuchera ‘High Hopes’ PBR (SKU18367)

Vicky and Richard Fox

Delivery charges

This question was asked by
Kate R

I’m trying to find out what the charge would be for one plant (e.g Heuchera) shipped to Harrow in London.

Is the delivery charge cheaper if you buy more than one plant? Or is the charge per plant?

Hi kate
The delivery charge is £9.95 for 1 to 5 plants
6 plants and over is £8.95
We use a courier, that is what it costs us
Hope that helps
Kind regards vicky

Vicky and Richard Fox