The biggest show of the season is now finished, and we are already onto Chatsworth show! We took home our 10th gold medal at our 10th RHS Chelsea Flower show. We couldn’t be more thrilled!
We also were interviewed for BBC 2’s series on the show, which was really interesting to watch, hearing from the different specialist nurseries (like ourselves!) and the creators behind the show gardens. You can still find the episodes on catch up if you’re interested here. Our segment is in episode 14, 12.45 in.
We will be operating our Click and Collect at most of the shows we attend this year, so if you want to save a bit on postage and ensure we bring the plants you want, please choose this option on checkout.
If you weren’t able to make it and want to see a sample of what was at Chelsea Flower Show, we compiled some of our photos from the week. We hope you enjoy them!
We have our open days at the end of this month, the 23rd and 24th of June from 10am-4pm each day. We put all our medals out on display, have home-made cakes and refreshments, and let you tour around our nursery and choose any plants you’d like to purchase to take home. We love open days as it’s a great chance to get to chat with you lovely lot. Hope to see you there!